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Walnut Oil Vinaigrette

Written By Andira on Sunday, April 24, 2011 | 11:03 AM

Walnut Oil Vinaigrette
Walnut Oil Vinaigrette
  • Prep Time:5 minutes

Here's a simple vinaigrette recipe that offers a subtle nutty flavor for a lovely departure from the usual.

Why try? This recipe is a favorite with the French and Italians. The light walnutty flavor is subtle, but wonderful. Once you try it, you'll want to have it again and again.

Foodie Byte: When you use specialty oils such as Walnut Oil, be sure to store out of the light. It's best if they're kept in a tin or dark bottle. Unlike olive oil, walnut oil should be refrigerated after it's been opened,

This recipe is part of our Easter with Ease menu feature.



8 tablespoons walnut oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
Salt to taste


Combine all ingredients.
Toss over greens with roasted walnuts and orange slices.


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